A national treasure has been wounded, says Mayor Sam Sullivan

After touring the weather-ravaged areas surrounding Prospect Point in Stanley Park, Mayor Sam Sullivan committed to working with the Park Board to help restore Canada’s national treasure to its former glory.
“You can’t help but feel emotional when you see the damage that Mother Nature has wreaked on what I consider a site of national significance,” says Mayor Sam Sullivan. “It will likely take at least a generation before we see the park restored to its former glory, but I know everyone in our community is committed to making this happen.”

Ian Robertson, Chair of the Vancouver Park Board, provided Mayor Sullivan with a first-hand tour of the storm affected areas of Stanley Park. It is estimated that at least one thousand trees have been damaged by the recent windstorm, but the count could go much higher once an assessment of the interior of the park is completed.

“Our number one priority over the last several days has been to restore public access to the main Park Drive, businesses and facilities,” says Sullivan. “I think our work crews deserve special recognition for the dedication and work they have done to meet those objectives.”

“I will be speaking with the Provincial Government to determine if Vancouver is eligible for any special emergency funding to cover the significant cost that this extraordinary storm has imposed on our Park Board,” says Sullivan. “I know that we will also do everything possible within the resources we have at City Hall to assist with the cleanup and eventual restoration of the Park.”

The Park Board is developing a logistics plan to clean up the forest and is seeking to establish an assistance program to enable those with skills and machinery to help. A meeting has been set with the Chief Forester from Interfor to discuss options and costs.

“Any offers of assistance from citizens and the business community will be welcomed,” says Robertson. “I have been heartened by the fact that so many British Columbians have already stepped up to the plate to pledge assistance now and in the future as part of our restoration efforts.”