Alternative Marijuana Legislation

Alternative Marijuana Legislation

I support the development and delivery of alternative marijuana legislation in order to address the social and criminal consequences that come from cannabis prohibition.

I believe that marijuana prohibition is a failed policy.

It is unconscionable, unacceptable and unreasonable that the criminal element in B.C. is allowed to grow and thrive due in part to inaction on the part of politicians.

Politicians must have the courage to play a key role in the development of new policies that can provide safer, stronger communities.

Marijuana prohibition has created violent, gang-related crime in our communities and fear among our citizens. It has increased financial costs for all levels of government.

Politicians cannot ignore the status quo any longer, and must develop and deliver alternative marijuana policies that avoid the social and criminal harms that stem directly from cannabis prohibition.

As Mayor, I was not afraid to tackle the tough issues of alternatives to drug prohibition and promote the innovative policies of harm reduction. I was the only non-medical doctor in the country that year, and the only Mayor in history, to be made a Member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada for my efforts “on behalf of inner-city marginalized populations”.

I will fight to initiate an intelligent public policy debate on the legalization of marijuana.

As the Vancouver Province wrote in their editorial ‘Here’s hoping other politicians show as much bravery and wisdom as the former mayors in pushing cannabis from a violent, unregulated market to one that is regulated and taxed.’

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1 Comment

  1. Dana

    It’s been well over a year now since you wrote this… and you’ve gone totally silent on the issue. What happened Sam? Is Christy Clark keeping you from speaking out on legalization? We need your help to change these laws, don’t fail us now!

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