Bulletin from Mayor Sullivan

I would like to update you with the great news that Vancouver will be benefiting from the Province’s new $80 million investment in supportive housing. The majority of that financial commitment goes towards the purchase of 10 Single-Room Occupancy hotels in our city, and it is the largest single acquisition of this critical housing stock in the history of the province. When you combine announcements made earlier this year, the total number of supportive housing units in Vancouver totals 1,144.

Our partners in senior levels of government recognize that homelessness is a critical issue. Yesterday’s investment will begin to turn the tide on homelessness, and create safe, clean, affordable housing in Vancouver.

Credit must be given to Premier Campbell and his Cabinet for this new funding commitment. I encourage you to take a moment to email Premier Campbell at premier@gov.bc.ca if, like me, you endorse the province’s inititiative and would like them to maintain and grow support for social housing.

Sam Sullivan

Mayor Sam Sullivan

In response to the Provincial commitment to new social housing units in Vancouver…

“I thought this was revolutionary” – Civic Affairs Reporter, Frances Bula, Vancouver Sun – CBC Civic Affairs Panel

“A positive first step” Brent Granby, President of the West End Residents Association – Vancouver Province

“I think it will stabilize the market, which is good. ” Allen Garr, Vancouver courier – CBC Civic Affairs Panel

“Today is a good news story…we think this is an important first step in dealing with the challenges of homelessness in Vancouver.” David Eby, Pivot Legal Society – Vancouver Province

Details of the Province’s purchase of affordable housing in Vancouver

Feb 23, 2007 BC Housing Announcement: Vancouver: 262 Rest of Province 595
April 3, 2007 announcement Vancouver: 882 Rest of Province 114
Total Vancouver: 1144 Rest of Province 710

*The following Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotels have been purchased by the Province in Vancouver:

Vancouver Hotel: Address: Number of rooms
Marble Arch Hotel 518 Richards St. 145
St. Helens Hotel 1161/63 Granville St. 98
Carl Rooms 335 Princess St. 47
The Rice Block 404 Hawks St. 43
Molson’s Bank Building 166 E. Hastings St. 45
The Park Hotel Apartments 429/433 W. Pender St. 56
Walton Hotel 261-265 E. Hastings St. 51
Orange Hall 329-341 Gore Ave. 27
Orwell Hotel 456 E. Hastings 55
Savoy Hotel 258-260 E. Hastings St. 28
595 rooms

*The Province is also committing to creating supportive housing units at three sites owned by the City of Vancouver:

Address Number of housing units
1321 Richards St. 87
337 W. Pender St. 120
980 Main St. 80
287 housing units

*Source: bchousing.org