My husband and I have lived in Downtown Vancouver for many years and for the past 2.5 years we have lived in Coal Harbour. In the past five years Coal Harbour has been transformed into a wonderful mixed-use community within downtown Vancouver. New world-class buildings and the extension to the seawall have made this area very attractive for professionals to live in.
We live right cross from the new Vancouver Convention Centre, which is considered one of the Olympic legacies and has transformed the neighbourhood drastically. The Convention Centre is a great addition to our city and aside from its award winning design and leadership in environmental sustainability, it has brought countless new opportunities for the region and our community. There are numerous new retail spaces added to the area and Vancouver now hosts many more exciting and important events. In fall of 2012, Vancouver hosted the Global PMI Congress, which was great for project managers such as myself in the Greater Vancouver Region, and those who travelled from many different cities and countries to take part in this amazing conference. This is just an example of how Vancouver Convention centre has helped our economy by hosting great events and inviting people from around the world to come and see our beautiful city.
Thousands upon thousands came to see the majestic Cauldron lit during the 2010 Winter Games. With the Games finished, the Cauldron remains as a permanent landmark on the Jack Poole Plaza at the Vancouver Convention Centre. I walk pass this space whenever I am going for a walk by the seawall or if I am going to the Convention Centre and I am always pleased to see many tourists come to take pictures there. It is wonderful to see that these Olympic legacies are right here in my neighbourhood.
Canada Line is also a great addition to the city and another tremendous Olympic legacy, which has made a great contribution to the public transportation in Vancouver. I have taken the Canada Line to and from the airport and other locations in between many times and have loved it every time. It is very convenient and cost effective and it takes people right to the airport. The Waterfront station is just minutes away from where I live and it is very convenient for many residents and professionals in the neighbourhood to get to different places without driving and within 5 minute walking distance. Canada Line is another great addition to our city and my neighbourhood, which gives me one more reason to love living in Coal harbour.
Sam Sullivan has always tried to contribute to Vancouver’s urbanism and economy both in his personal life as well as during his tenure as a mayor. Sam was recognized for his efforts to prepare the city for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games as he played a key role in the development of the Canada Line, expansion of the seawalls, the zoning and development of Coal Harbour, and playing a role in facilitating the development of the new Convention Center among many other things.
The Convention Centre and Canada Line have both made great contributions to our city and the region, making the Olympic legacy a lasting and sustainable one for Vancouver, unlike many other cities that are left with white elephants and huge debt. It is truly a privilege to be part of a community that has enjoyed such enlightened leadership in urbanism and liveability.
Sara Mohamadkhani is a project manager and has lived in Vancouver for over 10 years. Sara has been active in her community and loves volunteering and supporting local not-for-profit organizations. Sara is a board member of the Project Management Institute, West Coast Chapter, and is currently working with multiple not-for-profit organizations in the Lower Mainland.