Happy New Year

In the first Council meeting of 2007, I took the opportunity to give a State of the City address outlining my goals and priorities for 2007 as your Mayor. The State of the City is a tradition that was observed by previous Mayors, but has not been practiced in recent years. I felt it was important to use the coming of the New Year to update the citizens of Vancouver on my activities and to outline how I intend to work with our Council towards a better Vancouver in 2007.

In order to address some of the key challenges Vancouver faces, I have asked Council to join me in working towards Five Goals for a Better Vancouver:

  • Ensure civility on our streets and developing compassionate and long-term solutions to our City’s most challenging social issues;
  • Become a world leader in environmental practices and sustainable transportation;
  • Develop the strongest local and regional economy in Canada;
  • Make Vancouver a premiere destination for the support and celebration of arts and culture; and,
  • Ensure that Vancouver is the most accessible and accountable City in the country.

Mayor Sullivan outlines Five Goals for a Better Vancouver

On January 16th, Mayor Sam Sullivan delivered his first State of the City address during the first Council meeting of 2007, reviving a New Years tradition in which Vancouver Mayors make a formal speech on the priorities of the year ahead.

Focusing on Five Goals for a Better Vancouver, Mayor Sullivan urged Council to work together to provide leadership in addressing some of the most difficult challenges our City faces. Noting that Vancouver is “emerging on the world stage as a City of the Future,” Mayor Sullivan outlined several initiatives he intends to undertake this year.

State of the City Address – January 16, 2007

Today I am pleased to give my first State of the City address, reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to the opportunities in 2007.Good afternoon, Citizens. I would like to begin by acknowledging and respecting the traditional territories of the First Nations Coast Salish people.
Before I begin, I would like to make special mention of the tremendous efforts underway to restore the jewel of our city, Stanley Park. Over the holidays, we saw several devastating storms take down thousands of majestic trees and damage pathways and structures in the Park.