Mayor and Councillor Welcome Launch of National Mental Health Commission

Mayor Sam Sullivan and Vancouver Councillor Kim Capri welcomed the launch of the Government of Canada’s new Mental Health Commission. Earlier today, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the final selection of the Commission’s Board of Directors at a gathering of international leaders in the mental health field.

“Delivering compassionate solutions to social challenges is one of the goals we have established for our government,” said Mayor Sullivan. “While we are making significant progress, municipal governments cannot tackle these issues alone. Renewed leadership, direct investment and innovation are required from all levels of government to battle mental illness across Canada.”

In 2007, the Government of Canada committed $55 million over five years towards a mental health commission — Chaired by Senator Michael Kirby. Mayor Sullivan recently met with the Senator to discuss the work of the Commission, and is looking forward to continued dialogue.

“Today’s announcement is a significant step forward,” said Councillor Capri. “We look forward to working with the new Board members as well as the chairs of the cross country network of advisory committees that are being established to ensure national mental health policies benefit Vancouver and support the objectives we have identified in Project Civil City.”